120 Genesee Ln
Amsterdam, NY 12010
120 Genesee Ln
Amsterdam, NY 12010
Our Services
Our Services
We Love Hearing From You, Let Us Know What’s On Your Mind
We Love Hearing From You, Let Us Know What’s On Your Mind

feel free to contact me with any questions. Please keep in mind that I am with clients and don't answer the phone while in treatment. The answering machine is always on. Please leave a message with a time of day when you may be reached. I will do my best to return your call when it's convenient for you. I typically respond the same day that you call unless I am not working that day. Another way to contact me is via email. I try to check it daily but there are times when I don't have a chance. I typically respond to emails within 1 or 2 days unless I am not working.
Thank you for visiting my website. I look forward to hearing from you.
Phone Number: 518-212-2097
Email: laurie@laurieselectrolysis.com
Hours: Monday - Thursday - available by appointment . Monday- Wednesday 12:00-7:00 Thursday 9:00 - 3:00.
Friday, Saturday - Sunday - closed.